Friday, May 6, 2011

Ways Even the Busiest Moms Can Be Fabulous!

Okay. So here's a confession... I just spent the morning organizing cute springtime outfits, and then matching them with shoes and accessories that are just as cute. I then moved all essentials into a fabulous tutu diaper bag. At first glance, one might think that I did all of these things for one or all of my children. Admittedly, no. I did these things in an effort to fulfill my goal in presenting the best version of myself. Why? It recently occurred to me that many parents go to great lengths to dress and groom their kids within an inch of their lives as a means of attaining optimal cuteness, but then leave little time to prepare themselves for their day. Too many times I have spent hours, primping, ironing, etc. to get my children ready only to leave myself minutes to do hair, makeup and dress myself before running out the door. I then spend the remainder of the day wishing I had just given myself a few more minutes to get ready. To this I say "no more".

From this day forward I vow to make it a rule to always try to present the best version of myself to the world. I do this, not because I care so much about what others think, but rather as a means of sending myself the message that I am worth the effort it takes to feel good about how I look. If this post is sounding all too familiar, I challenge you to make similar changes in your own life. How does one go about this? I'm glad you asked!

First, always present yourself to the world as if you’re going to be mobbed by paparazzi at any given moment. Sound silly? Stick with me on this one. You’re halfway there. Sometimes, all people get of us as our lives intersect is one small snapshot. Wouldn’t you prefer their snapshot of you be favorable? When we make ourselves conscious of this fact, we tend to make our demeanor and, in turn, our attitude respectively more likeable and positive.

I am sure that we’ve all seen the unattractive pictures of our favorite stars in their not-so-happy moments. My friend Stephanie puts it best when she calls getting angry “being ugly”. Just as routinely as you do a booger check before getting out of your car (don’t deny it), you should always do an attitude check both for yourself and for those whom you encounter throughout your day.

Next, never wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable or unattractive in any way. We all have those comfy sweats we like to wear around the house. Why only around the house? Because they’re ugly!! If you wouldn’t be caught dead in them, get rid of them! Replace them with a cute track suit that you CAN wear for a quick trip to the store if need be. This is only an analogy but make it a rule that all ugly and ill-fitting clothing that doesn’t make you feel your best must be tossed.

Now that you have rid yourself of things that make you feel unattractive, the next step is to incorporate all things that make you feel your own uniquely fabulous self. Start by planning outfits that make you feel fabulous. This will eliminate the need to "throw on" the first thing you see in your closet. Next, plan what makeup and hair styles you'll wear with each outfit. Then move to polishing off the look with accessories, matching handbags, shoes and the like. Make no mistake, even in the dead of winter, sunglasses are always a must! You can pick a pair that shows off your inner rock star or do like the Kardashians and buy some that look big enough to eat your face. All this planning ahead of time will take the guess work and frenzy out of getting ready. Finally, add your own flare. If nail polish makes you feel fancy, ALWAYS wear it! If pink hair and pearls are what make you happy, make them a necessity!

If this message rubbed you the wrong way as shallow, rest assured that on any given day I could care less what others think of how I look. I do have to say, however, that Fashion Designer Isaac Mizrahi is right when he says that the little things women do to polish their physical appearance change the way they feel about themselves and the way they act entirely. It is because of this that I say these changes are necessary. When making these alterations to your physical appearance, make them only for yourself. Do only those things that will allow you to look and feel the best version of yourself. When you have done so, you should have a final product that allows you to navigate this world with a level of confidence that cannot be shaken.

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