Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Last Minute Turkey Treat

Overachieving parents. God bless ‘em. As unintentional as it may be, they can make the rest of us feel almost guilty for not reinventing the wheel every time there is a party at school. Almost.

I confess that I no longer poses the energy, time or desire to put hours into craft projects designed for any class party. That was all spent on my firstborn. If you’re with the group of us who scramble, I have an easy Turkey treat project for you that is worthy of any PTA party. Now pause for shock and awe as I tell you that your kids can actually HELP with this project!

Here is what you will need:
·      Brown Paper
·      Construction Paper (various colors)
·      White Paper
·      Glue
·      Scissors
·      Markers
·      Treat (I used prepackaged rice cereal treats)

1) Measure and cut brown paper to wrap around each treat and secure with glue
2) Cut feather shapes out of colored construction paper (or just buy feathers)
3) Secure feathers on the back of the treat with glue
4) Cut circles out of white paper. You will need two per treat (or just buy googly eyes)
5) Glue eyes to front of treat
6) Use markers to draw eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, lashes, etc.
Hint: I did an Internet search for “silly googly eyes” and got a lot of examples
7) Cut beak shapes out of orange paper and glue to face of treat

This project can be used to wrap any treat be it a rice cereal treat, juice box, etc. To create a treat bag, use the same method for creating the face and add it to a paper bag. The entire project takes only minutes to complete. Be careful to allow time for the glue to dry. Enjoy!

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